Creating Healthy Minds for Happy Lives
We envision India where each child, adolescent, and young adult has the psychosocial competence to cope healthily with the challenges of everyday life to achieve lifelong mental well-being beyond the mere absence of mental illnesses.
MBC also envisions an Indian medical education ecosystem that provides each student with opportunities to explore their self-worth and potential to create positive impact beyond classroom.
MBC strives to make preventive mental healthcare services accessible to underserved young populations by initiating life skills education sessions through affiliations with public health non-profits, medical colleges, and professional organizations.
MBC also strives to provide a platform for medical students to recognize their cognitive and non-cognitive strengths regardless of external validation by integrating real-world community-based health interventions with learning modules and research.
Psst...We want to let you in on a little secret!
This website also doubles up as a resource platform for medical students eager to explore the subject of Community Medicine!
Since her time as a medical student in India, our founder, Chitra, has strongly believed that Community Medicine as a subject is largely underappreciated among the Indian medical diaspora and also the masses. Being a Community Medicine specialist herself, Chitra self-appointed herself as the "Brand Ambassador" for Community Medicine! The MBC website therefore deliberately doubles up as a platform for sharing actionable behaviors in Community Medicine, along with some core academic material related to the subject. To all the medical students who stumble upon this website, we say "Let's fall in love with Community Medicine!"
To learn more about how MBC came to be, please click here.