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Medicine Beyond Classroom provides its services to Medical Colleges, Non-Profits, Professional Organizations, Schools, and Individuals. The services provided are detailed on their respective pages.

Preventive Mental Healthcare related services:

MBC builds community capacity by providing training in life skills education to grassroots workers from government and non-profit sectors, primarily within (but not limited to) Gujarat, India. MBC also trains medical students, interns and resident doctors in life skills education and research, equipping them to develop independent life skills programs in the areas served by their respective medical colleges and hospitals. MBC also conducts direct-to-beneficiary life skills education sessions for underserved children, adolescents, and young adults in rural and urban Gujarat by affiliating with local schools, non-profits, and local governments. To know more about, and avail of our preventive mental healthcare services, click here. 

Field workers of Shree Krishna Hospital Programme for Advancement of Rural and Social Health (SPARSH) being trained by MBC to impart life skills education

Community-Based Medical Education

MBC affiliates with medical colleges, departments of Community Medicine, individual faculty, and medical students to provide opportunities for community-based problem-solving. MBC designs community-based health interventions engaging medical students to work closely with the local communities to solve local problems. These modules provide medical students with opportunities to learn and practice AETCOM (Attitude, Ethics, Communication) competencies as mandated by the National Medical Council (India) beyond conventional classrooms and hospital setups. To collaborate with us for our medical education services, please click here

MBC provides field training in life skills education to volunteers of "Dhanak", a social initiative founded by medical students in Gujarat. 

Counseling for Career in Community Medicine

MBC invites medical students to explore the plethora of opportunities offered by the field of Community Medicine/Preventive and Social Medicine. The career counseling sessions can be 1:1 or group sessions, based on the preference of the student(s). To know more about our career counseling services, please click here



Dr. Pandya (Founder, MBC), conducting an immersive session with medical students on planning a career in Community Medicine. 

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