Preventive Mental healthcare refers to the spectrum of mental health interventions aimed at helping individuals build psychosocial skills to cope healthily with the everyday stresses of life. Developing such skills is proven to contribute significantly to PREVENTING mental health disorders. This is especially relevant for developing young minds. Helping young people develop coping skills can make them better equipped to deal healthily with the challenges of a fast-evolving world while safeguarding their mental well-being, beyond the mere absence of mental diseases. MBC provides a wide-range of services to promote preventive mental healthcare in the community.
To avail of our services, please reach out to us through the "Contact Us" section at the bottom of the page.
1. Training-of Trainers in Life Skills Education:
We offer training services to non-profits, professional organizations, government agencies, schools and medical colleges. We train field staff, teachers, resident doctors, interns, and medical students through participatory workshops to become Life Skills Educators. The training equipps them to organize and facilitate independent life skills education sessions in the community. We offer training services in Gujarati, Hindi, and English as of now.
2. Direct-to-Beneficiary Training
We conduct community-based life skills education workshops for children, adolescents, and young adults. These sessions are offered in-person as well as online